Wednesday, January 7, 2009

We are Absolutely Crazy

I can't believe that Rob and I are doing this, but we are going to the Raven's Playoff Game in Tennessee! We are actually meeting up with some friends in Raleigh, NC, and driving to Nashville! We have never done anything this spontaneous before, but I am totally excited! I have so much to do, since we decided to do this last night! We ordered our tickets and they should arrive tomorrow. Then, on Friday night, the road trip begins! Yeah!

Thursday, December 18, 2008

Busy Time of Year

This is such a busy time of year, and I have so much to do. There is no tree up in the house, the shopping is not done, the wrapping isn't even started, and I am running out of time...

Each year I tell myself to start earlier, plan better, finish sooner. Each year I still push things to the last minute. I had plans to do so much last weekend, but I was sidelined with a migraine that ended up being the beginning of a wretched sinus infection. I was able to get to the doctor quickly, and started antibiotics, so now I am left with a nasty cough trying to expel the infection that ended up in my lungs. Eewww.

On a brighter note, vacation starts tomorrow at 4:30 for me, and 3:30 for Rob. We will actually have Christmas week to enjoy and spend with family (and finish preparing). I probably won't have time to add anything until after the holidays, so Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Monday, December 8, 2008


I really, really, really, don't like shopping. While I enjoy the idea of gift giving, shopping drives me bananas. I took some leave from work today to do some shopping, and I got a lot done. I still need to do a bit, but I made some great progress. I have completed buying for Rob, stocking and all. I have also almost completed the nieces and nephews, with 9/10 done. I wish I loved shopping more. I was able to do a bit on line this year, too. That is much more enjoyable than actually going to the store, but I still do not like shopping!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving is Over

And so, Thanksgiving is over. We had a wonderful dinner with Rob's parents and his side of the family. It was wonderful to see everyone, since we do not get to see Rob's cousins and aunt very often.

Now it is time to start preparing for Christmas. Rob and I actually did a little online shopping yesterday, but we have to get into overdrive now. Those 10 nieces and nephews will hopefully all be here for Christmas, and I can't wait to see everyone.

Monday, November 24, 2008

Things to be Thankful For

I have been thinking a lot about this Thanksgiving, and I have been reflecting on what I am thankful for. There are certainly many things that come to mind, like my family, Rob, a home to live in, a good job, friends, food on my table, my kitties, and of course my health.

There is one thing that I think I often miss being thankful for, and that is my faith. I do not go to church each week, but I am a very spiritual and faithful person. I know that many people question their faith during terrible times, and I have certainly done that myself. Now, though, I am so thankful for my faith, to lean on in the bad times, and to rejoice in during the good times. There are times that I pray that I have this overwhelming feeling take over my whole body, and I know that may sound crazy to some people, but it is the most amazing experience. I am certainly not a bible thumper, and commit more than my fair share of sins. It is just that I feel so thankful to have faith in my life.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Fantasy Football Downfall

I think I am going to lose my fantasy football game this week. I have been undefeated thus far this season. I would rather lose now, then in the playoffs, though. It is Sunday night, and my plan is to go to bed at 10 PM, and get up at 6 AM tomorrow to feed the kitties, work out, eat, and get ready for work. It is a short work week this week, because of Thanksgiving. Both Rob and I have off on Thursday and Friday, so we will have a four day weekend. We are spending Thanksgiving with Rob's side of the family this year. I am really looking forward to this. I am making the mashed potatoes, and 2 apple pies, and 2 pumpkin pies. I love Thanksgiving. It is so nice to spend time with family, reflect on what I am thankful for, and begin holiday preparations. I have renewed hope this holiday season, and I look forward to a happy time this year!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My Belly Aches

I have been getting so sick to my stomach on this medicine. No matter what I eat, I have a stomach ache. I am not looking forward to the increased dosage. Poor Rob! I feel so bad I have been complaining so much to him. It kind of sucks that while I am trying to get pregnant, I already have morning sickness! Such is life. I know the end result will be worth it. It just makes it really hard to want to try to get pregnant when I feel so miserable. Hopefully my body will adjust over the next few weeks.